
11 February 2025

Little status update

We're still hard at work on this mod, and we're getting closer and closer to being able to release this mod to everyone, and we can't wait!

Our website now has a NEWS section that will be updated with the posts that are made here, so that you don't necessarily have to join the Discord server to stay updated. This is only for the public posts though, exclusive posts are still only visible on Discord.


With this mod creeping its way to a release, we're gonna need your help to make it accessible for people around the world! If you're fluent in a language that isn't English, and would like to get an exclusive translator Portal Gun skin on release, please fill the form below!

PortalMod Translator form

We're gonna need all the help that we can get, so if you have any buddies that would like to help too, feel free to send them the form too!

30 December 2024

Automatically dispensing cubes has never been this easy.

17 September 2024

This is fine

We have some updates to share regarding the release date of PortalMod. Unfortunately, we won't be able to finish the mod by the end of the year as previously planned. We were making lots of progress before and the release date was looking good, but since then we've been hit by a wave of burnout due to the long development time of the project over the past couple of years.

We're looking forward to the release of the mod as much as you, so we're hoping to get back on track as soon as possible and work on finishing the mod when we can. We understand your disappointment, and we apologize for the prolonged wait. We'll keep you updated.

We will also try to make more posts and showcases in this channel as development continues.

Thanks for your understanding and ongoing support for the project.

23 June 2024

Looking for a sound designer

Heya! We're looking for someone to help us create some sound effects for PortalMod.

If you have any experience in this field, please hit me (@PhantomEye) up!

UPDATE: We found someone! Thanks for your interest!

23 June 2024

You make up your own rules! 🫵

5 May 2024

Watch your cubes!

13 April 2024

Update on Portal Gun skins!


As previously announced, we are working on a global collection-based skin customization feature for the Portal Gun, this means that you will be able to collect Portal Gun skins on your Minecraft account to use in-game. You'll be able to pick a between Portal Gun skins you've collected in-game, and they will be visible to other players!

You'll be able to collect these skins by supporting the mod, helping with Translating the mod to other languages, contributing by for example Playtesting, and by participating in Events, so stay tuned for more of those!

Supporter Skins

Donators and Boosters (after boosting for >90 days) unlock special Portal Gun skins as a thank-you, there's a preview of those below!

We've just remade the Booster tracking system, which will allow us to track Boosters more easily. If you believe you've already boosted for 3 months but haven't gotten a message regarding your Minecraft username, please contact us. Any new/current boosters should receive a DM message from @GLaDOS after boosting for 90 days to unlock the skin.

Both Donators and Boosters will also automatically unlock the ability to change their Portal Gun to any given hue, which means that you can colour your Portal Gun in your favourite colour!

1 April 2024

Introducing Gabe Newell to PortalMod! 💫

29 March 2024

Cube- and button-based testing remains an important tool for science.

28 March 2024

This next test is impossible

28 March 2024

Are you still there? 🚨🧸

16 October 2023

The first teaser trailer is out now!

✨ Exclusive news posts, art concepts and development streams are available toDonators andBoosters of the Discord server!

Older posts are available in the Discord server!